Here’s how to make your E-Commerce KPIs more Business intelligent

Are you still optimising your online marketing efforts towards return on Ad Spend and other campaign limited KPIs? While useful for optimisations, the real goal should be to improve the overall profitability and market share of your business, and thus your campaign KPIs should be backed up by business KPIs. According to Joel Rao, CEO […]

A little known secret on Optimizing for Search on Google vs Elsewhere

For far too long, Brands have used superficial metrics to measure their online marketing performance. Things like reach, impressions, share of voice etc are great metrics, but on their own they don’t mean anything to the business bottom line. Joel Rao, CEO at iProspect, a leading Kenyan Digital Marketing Company, says Brands must also understand how […]

The Anatomy of a good Product Web Page – Are you sweating yours?

You have created a compelling digital strategy. You have committed Ad spending budgets. You have done a great job with search engine optimization, and your website traffic is growing by the day. But all this traffic is not translating into leads or sales. What is happening? According to Joel Rao, CEO at iProspect, a leading Kenyan […]

These 4 factors are driving digital commerce behavior

People do not buy brands, they buy lifestyles. As a business, you will score higher on the consumer purchase matrix if you ensure that your digital customer journey fits into the lifestyle of said customer. According to Joel Rao, CEO at iProspect, a leading Kenyan Digital Marketing Company, the following four factors are driving digital commerce […]

Seven E-commerce trends that every Kenyan Marketer should be aware of

If you have been following our series of articles on the rise of E-Commerce, then you are aware by now that Digital is no longer a kid on the sidelines. With recent events such as Covid 19 further accelerating the importance of Digital, the onus is now upon Marketers to invest in making Digital a […]

Digital is NOT social media. Here’s what Digital really is.

For many years, Digital was looked at as a tool or enabler of commerce, and offline as the engine for growth. Covid 19 changed things. According to data aggregated by  iProspect, a leading Kenyan Digital Marketing company, 70% of adults worldwide are spending more time on their smart phones since Covid 19 began, with Kenya […]

Your digital footprint should have these four touchpoints

The internet world has become increasingly complex with time. Having a great website is no longer enough as customers are spending their time in many other places other than on websites. Your task thus as a Marketer is to ensure you increase your footprint to make your business easily accessible. Joel Rao, CEO at iProspect, […]

In a complex digital world, this success framework promises to simplify things

Whether you are a global brand or a small business, iProspect, a leading Kenyan Digital Marketing company, have developmed a framework which they believe can greatly increase your chances of success in the online commerce space. Joel Rao, CEO at iProspect, shares that the framework has four key pillars, against which you should score your E-commerce […]

Marketplaces now rule Online Commerce. What’s your Marketplace Strategy?

In 2019, iProspect, a leading Kenyan Digital Marketing company did a survey of 100 global marketers to learn more about how they currently perform in their e-commerce efforts. 26 of these companies were from Kenya. The performance benchmarking was done against the four digital success pillars of Convenience, Value, Relevance and trust.

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