Digital is NOT social media. Here’s what Digital really is.

February 1, 2021

For many years, Digital was looked at as a tool or enabler of commerce, and offline as the engine for growth. Covid 19 changed things. According to data aggregated by  iProspect, a leading Kenyan Digital Marketing company, 70% of adults worldwide are spending more time on their smart phones since Covid 19 began, with Kenya at 69%.

Digital share of global retail sales grew from 10.2% in 2017 to 17.5% in 2020, driven by the rise of e-Commerce in Asia with companies such as Alibaba and commanding Billions in online sales. Africa remains a laggard in E-commerce, with only $143 Million worth of online sales per year recorded while other markets are in the Billions.

Joel Rao, CEO at iProspect, says that Digital is more than facebook, twitter, linkedin etc. Digital is a way to increase your return on investment and reduce your costs to serve. Changing your view of digital from an enabler to an engine of growth might be the shift you need to transform your business.

Joel Rao was a facilitator at Un.thinkable masterclass (our quarterly 10X Growth Leaders Workshop) in July 2020. Click here to apply for membership in Un.thinkable.

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