Your digital footprint should have these four touchpoints

The internet world has become increasingly complex with time. Having a great website is no longer enough as customers ar...

Knowledge plus Experience gets you halfway there in Business, but it’s not enough.

“I started MODE in 2010. The experience was literally like jumping out of a plane with no parachute.” Julian Kyula i...

How Saracen OMD hit jackpot by capitalizing on a niche

We are all a product of our environment and this can be said for George Wanjohi. He is Co-founder, and the East African ...

Thinking regional could transform your business growth plans

What do you do when your business begins to grow but not at the pace you anticipated? Be patient? Well, not for Mr Lee K...

The successful businessman with no sales experience

“Your business will go as far as your own clarity and talent because you’re the first employee. How much further you...

When your business is a family affair

Running a family business in most cases is usually not as easy as it sounds and just because the word family exists in a...

Dirt off your shoulder. Getting back up after tragedy strikes

In business there are always going to be trials and tribulations but what matters most is how one gets back up after a b...

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