The Anatomy of a good Product Web Page – Are you sweating yours?

February 17, 2021

You have created a compelling digital strategy. You have committed Ad spending budgets. You have done a great job with search engine optimization, and your website traffic is growing by the day. But all this traffic is not translating into leads or sales. What is happening?

According to Joel Rao, CEO at iProspect, a leading Kenyan Digital Marketing Company, it could be because your product web page, popularly known as landing page is not optimised to deliver sales. He offers six product page optimisation tips that could transform your conversion rates.

  1. Image Optimisation – Human beings are visual by nature. What does your product/service image communicate to me? Does it entice me to try out the product or service? Test out different image options until you find the one that truly does the job with driving sales
  2. Title Optimisation – This is where you apply your copywriting skills, or hire a skilled copywriter. The title must succinctly yet powerfully describe the product from the customer’s point of view.
  3. Bullet Point Optimisation – Bullet points help you to easily list the key benefits of your product or service. And if i’m in a hurry, lists are a great way to help me skim through your offering and make a decision.
  4. Q&A Optimisation – What are the most common customer questions? List them on your product page complete with answers. Keep refining this section as more and more questions come.
  5. Product Description Optimisation – This is your product. You love it. You believe it’s the best thing since sliced bread. Sell me on it. Don’t just describe the product, praise the product, serenade the product, leave no doubt in my mind about how amazing the product or service is. But a caveat, don’t exaggerate, and don’t lie. Customers will never forgive you.

Joel Rao was a facilitator at Un.thinkable masterclass (our quarterly 10X Growth Leaders Workshop) in July 2020. Click here to apply for membership in Un.thinkable.

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