
Who can Join us us?

We serve Visionaries who:

  • Lead organisations with annual turnovers of between Kshs 15 Million to Kshs 300 Million
  • Lead teams of at least 10 people
  • Run businesses that have been in official existence for at least 3 years

We boast a track record of over 500 directly impacted leaders from 40 industries through our 10x growth fellowship.


What's in it for you?

A community that empowers leaders for 10x growth


Attend Masterclasses & Group Coaching sessions to hear and learn from the best thought leaders and industry captains from the land, those who have been there, done it, and won, as they share their experiences and perspectives with our Fellows.


Establish intimate connections with up to 40 other entrepreneurial leaders in the fellowship, and build relationships with the who's who of the Kenyan business world through our invite-only Unthinkable Connect events.


Through our 10x growth Accountability program, you team up with Fellows who can hold you to task as you pursue your goals. Get connected to Business & Expert Coaches who can hold your hand as you scale new heights.


How we do it?

We use real world experiences to transform mindsets


We host the best Speakers from the land, those who have been there, done it, and Won, to share their experiences and perspectives with our members.


You get teamed up with other fellows with whom you apply our proprietary Accountability framework to track your growth milestones and support each other’s 10x objectives


Our industry leading thought leaders and business executives facilitate limited entry forums to challenge and equip you with the right mindsets as you develop & execute your growth strategy.


Informal, fun & creatively designed events that give you an opportunity to nurture relationships as you connect with like minded individuals and take the edge off.


Do you need hand holding by an experienced business leader as you scale your business? Our coaching program pairs participants with Titans who are willing to offer individualised guidance to members

Join Kenya's Fastest Growing Community

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