Fact: There’s Power in Data

In today’s rapidly changing world, legacy businesses  need more than just a good product and a strong work ethic....

Building a Legacy Business: More Than Profit

Many Kenyan entrepreneurs nurture the ambition to build a business that transcends generations. But what separates a fle...

Turning A Worry Into A Decade of Success

Leading in a turbulent environment and the current economic crisis does not allow you to just sit on your laurels and wa...

Here’s how to make your E-Commerce KPIs more Business intelligent

Are you still optimising your online marketing efforts towards return on Ad Spend and other campaign limited KPIs? While...

Transformational leadership is a daily habit, says Marion Mwangi

It is important to first of all be a disciplined person. You have to lead yourself so that you can lead others. Marion M...

These 4 factors are driving digital commerce behavior

People do not buy brands, they buy lifestyles. As a business, you will score higher on the consumer purchase matrix if y...

Your digital footprint should have these four touchpoints

The internet world has become increasingly complex with time. Having a great website is no longer enough as customers ar...

These simple hacks will help you get the most out of your employees

We know, your people can either be the best thing that happened in your Organization or an absolute nightmare. As a lead...

Has your business been adversely impacted by Covid 19? Here’s how to plan for recovery.

They say that entrepreneurs don’t fail, they simply learn what not to do next time. Covid 19 truly tested the resi...

Your hiring checklist. Have you ticked off these 5 things?

Hiring is easily one of the most critical elements in the success of any Organization. Your people are at the heart of ...

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