These 4 factors are driving digital commerce behavior

February 4, 2021

People do not buy brands, they buy lifestyles. As a business, you will score higher on the consumer purchase matrix if you ensure that your digital customer journey fits into the lifestyle of said customer.

According to Joel Rao, CEO at iProspect, a leading Kenyan Digital Marketing Company, the following four factors are driving digital commerce behaviour:

  • Convenience – We want it now. Don’t make me go through hoops to get your product/service. Don’t ask me to visit a fulfilment centre. Don’t confuse me with an overwhelming number of questions. I want it now.
  • Relevance – We want it when and where we want it. Deliver it to my house, or to my office or to my Children’s school. Let me choose an appropriate time to come in, or for you to come in. Let me give you my specifications for the service/product so you can deliver it the way I want it.
  • Value – Alleviate buyers remorse at all costs. Give me special offers, convince me that you offer the best value compared to competition, give me a money back guarantee, be clear on your return policy. There’s a reason Black Friday is the world’s biggest shopping festival.
  • Trust – This one underpins the other three. If I continuously come to your website and consistently have a bad experience, my trust in you will wither. Research shows that 70% of customers will not come back to your website after one bad experience, so you only have the one chance to earn my trust.

Joel Rao was a facilitator at Un.thinkable masterclass (our quarterly 10X Growth Leaders Workshop) in July 2020. Click here to apply for membership in Un.thinkable.

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