These simple hacks will help you get the most out of your employees

We know, your people can either be the best thing that happened in your Organization or an absolute nightmare. As a leader, you have a lot you can do however to make sure your people are truly an asset. Here are some simple hacks shared by Catherine Wekesa, CEO at the International Talent Management Consulting Limited, on […]

Has your business been adversely impacted by Covid 19? Here’s how to plan for recovery.

They say that entrepreneurs don’t fail, they simply learn what not to do next time. Covid 19 truly tested the resilience of entrepreneurs across the world, and 2021 will mean recovery for a lot of us. Disasters can come in any form, not only a global pandemic, but a disaster does not have to spell […]

Your hiring checklist. Have you ticked off these 5 things?

Hiring is easily one of the most critical elements in the success of any Organization. Your people are at the heart of  achieving your mission and vision for the customer. A wise man said hire slowly, and fire quickly. But if you hire right, then you don’t have to worry too much about firing. According […]

As a business owner, here’s what you are risking with poor HR knowledge.

As a business owner, your main aim for the organization is to see it grow. However, the absence of human resource management knowledge in your Organization might hinder this in one way or the other. You need to have the ability to deal with your people problems accordingly. In the past, labor cases would take […]

Human Resource 101 – The 5 basic stages in the HR Cycle

We will be lying to you if we said that this one article will tell you everything you need to know about HR as a business leader. However, these 5 stages will give you a blue print of what to put in place in your HR policies, as shared by Catherine Wekesa, CEO at the International Talent […]

Have you undertaken your Business Continuity analysis?

The business continuity plan will help you to analyze the level of risk and vulnerability of your business and it will enable you to develop effective risk and contingency system for the business in case of any foreseeable or unforeseeable occurrences. According to Catherine Wekesa, CEO at the International Talent Management Consulting Limited, this tool can […]

Your 6 biggest challenges in leading your team through the Covid-19 Pandemic

Nearly a year down the line, business leaders have had to grapple with what is now referred to as the ‘new normal’. While there is hope of an end down the line, the reality of Covid-19 is still alive, and we cannot afford to let go of the brakes yet. Catherine Wekesa, CEO at the International Talent […]

What is included in the Business Continuity plan?

A Business Continuity Plan (BCP) is a process that outlines the potential impact of disaster situations, creates policies to respond to them and helps business to recover quickly so that they can function as usual. It’s main goal is to protect employees and assets both during and after an emergency. According to Catherine Wekesa, CEO at […]

How are you managing performance for your remote teams?

The workplace has changed, no doubt. The biggest workplace shift has been the onset of remote working, a concept that most organizations were not ready for. How are you managing your remote working teams? Here’s a few tips from Catherine Wekesa, CEO at the International Talent Management Consulting Limited on managing remote workers effectively.

Here’s why human resource knowledge is so important to small businesses

As a small business owner, you need to be working on, not in the business. You need to be running around looking for new opportunities to expand your business and not worrying about the employees you have. The demand for various opportunities is high in the country as more than half the people working work for […]

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