5 emerging realities in the post-COVID working environment

In 2020, we were introduced to a new normal thanks for the COVID-19 pandemic. Among the most affected spheres of life has been the work place. The new environment has forced people to work remotely or even device new ways of working. The new normal has been both positive and negative, and how you respond […]

9 trends that will impact the future of work post Covid-19

The imperative of any business leader is to evaluate the impact that each trend will impact on their organization’s operations and strategic goal. Post this era, some of the trends that we have adopted so as to cope with the harsh realities will become normal in our organizations. At our recently held Unthinkable Masterclass, Catherine Wekesa, CEO at […]

Keep up with these 4 Emerging HR Priorities in the time of COVID-19

One of Charles Darwin’s most famous quotes says, “It is not the strongest nor the most intelligent animal that survives, but rather the one most adaptable to change”. We are living in a time of drastic change, brought about not only by the COVID-19 pandemic but by the accelerated pace of technological changes. As a result, […]

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