Has your business been adversely impacted by Covid 19? Here’s how to plan for recovery.

January 25, 2021

They say that entrepreneurs don’t fail, they simply learn what not to do next time. Covid 19 truly tested the resilience of entrepreneurs across the world, and 2021 will mean recovery for a lot of us. Disasters can come in any form, not only a global pandemic, but a disaster does not have to spell doom for you. So if failure isn’t the end of the story, how then do you recover from it effectively? Catherine Wekesa, CEO at the International Talent Management Consulting Limited, shares with us the 5 stages in an adequate recovery process from Covid 19.

  • Response

Your immediate responsibility is to ensure business continuity and safety. Make sure that you meet the regulations set for safety by WHO and other bodies such as COTU.

  • Reactivation

After safety has been factored, now the process of restarting your organization begins. You can start with the sales people then the others can follow. It’s advisable to start off with critical resources, then work your way to non-critical resources.

  • Reform

Analyze how to mitigate if a black swan scenario happens again. Be prepared make sure your employees are the right number and they have the right skills. Make sure that they are equipped to work remotely and in a physical location as well.

  • Re-imagination

Improve business operations. Make sure that you know the demands of the customer. For instance, after Covid, they might want things to be delivered. Is your business equipped for that? Do you have a platform that they can easily give their feedback on?

  • Resilience

Develop clear plans for likely economic/pandemic/crisis scenario. We never thought that in our lifetime that we would ever have a pandemic but now that it here, prepare your business to be shaken by any more surprises.

Catherine Wekesa was a facilitator at Un.thinkable masterclass (our quarterly 10X Growth Leaders Workshop) in November 2020. Click here to apply for membership in Un.thinkable.

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