Your 6 biggest challenges in leading your team through the Covid-19 Pandemic

January 17, 2021

Nearly a year down the line, business leaders have had to grapple with what is now referred to as the ‘new normal’. While there is hope of an end down the line, the reality of Covid-19 is still alive, and we cannot afford to let go of the brakes yet. Catherine Wekesa, CEO at the International Talent Management Consulting Limited, shares 6 key challenges that leaders can expect to continue dealing with during the Pandemic.

  1. Mental health and well-being: the pandemic has brought out so many mental health issues. In families you find that the bread winner lost their job and this weighs down on people. As a leader be cognizant of a change in behavior of your team members. The pandemic has brought more than one type of tragedy.
  2. Managing remote work: this does not mean that every now and then you call in to check if someone is working. You will end up micromanaging people and not doing what you’re supposed to be doing. Focus on the tasks; make sure everyone knows what they are supposed to be doing and as they deliver make sure that what they are delivering is quality as this is key.
  3. Employee engagement: this will help you deliver what the customer wants. Managing the physical and virtual employees is not a walk in the park. Try a few things and find out what works for you. Do not stick to one method that has worked for someone else.
  4. Uncertainty: we are in a state of recovery. We do not know what will happen in the next three months. So do not ignore this, because of the uncertainty, figure out your structure going forward. Despite the threat of a second wave, business has to go on despite everything.
  5. Employee Communication: sometimes there will be a breakdown of communication and expect some miscommunication as well. Things will take time to stay in place but they will eventually.
  6. Lack of agility: not everyone will change as you are changing. There are some things you will have redistributed. Not everyone will adjust that fast. If you see some gaps in your employees recognize that some are quicker than others and give them time.

Catherine Wekesa was a facilitator at Un.thinkable masterclass (our quarterly 10X Growth Leaders Workshop) in November 2020. Click here to apply for membership in Un.thinkable.

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