How are you managing performance for your remote teams?

January 15, 2021

The workplace has changed, no doubt. The biggest workplace shift has been the onset of remote working, a concept that most organizations were not ready for. How are you managing your remote working teams? Here’s a few tips from Catherine Wekesa, CEO at the International Talent Management Consulting Limited on managing remote workers effectively.

  • Check in – Communicate with your employee to know if they are in line with the business goal. Covid has made everything short term, so you cannot do performance appraisals like you used to. Have calls, emails or texts to know where your employees have challenges and where they are in terms of their performance.
  • Build Soft skills – your employees must have very good communication skills. Things have become very uncertain and people have to adjust very quickly just as the consumer is changing.
  • Focus on quality not quantity – put in focus the quality of your output. That is what you compete on. Remember you’re not the only one in the market so what makes you different.
  • Nurture collaboration and team work – your people must be able to work together. No one should feel sidelined for your team to deliver. The ones who are working from home and those who have to be in a physical location should be in sync.
  • Focus on feed forward – give feedback as well as feedforward. Tell an employee the areas where they are lacking and what will be required of them going forward. Make you future expectations clear to them.

Catherine Wekesa was a facilitator at Un.thinkable masterclass (our quarterly 10X Growth Leaders Workshop) in November 2020. Click here to apply for membership in Un.thinkable.

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