
The AI Revolution in the Workplace
Did you know that companies in Kenya can use AI to boost employee health? Paul Kimani , founder and CEO of Workpay opine...

These simple hacks will help you get the most out of your employees
We know, your people can either be the best thing that happened in your Organization or an absolute nightmare. As a lead...

How are you managing performance for your remote teams?
The workplace has changed, no doubt. The biggest workplace shift has been the onset of remote working, a concept that mo...

9 trends that will impact the future of work post Covid-19
The imperative of any business leader is to evaluate the impact that each trend will impact on their organization’s op...

Keep up with these 4 Emerging HR Priorities in the time of COVID-19
One of Charles Darwin’s most famous quotes says, “It is not the strongest nor the most intelligent animal t...

Why mistakes should never be described as regrets
Before he started his successful company, MODE, his previous business had got him into debt to the tune of millions. Aft...

A solid budget is the key to business financial freedom
What is a budget? Growing up, this term is used a lot around our households and around the business front to mean using ...

You want your company to succeed? Stay in school – George Wanjohi
George Wanjohi is the Co-founder, and East African Sales and Marketing Expert at Saracen OMD, one of East Africa’s lar...

How get more than just skills out of your employees
Do you ever think your workforce can bring in a lot more than just their skill? As we constantly seek a better way to ac...

Employees without roles are like furniture
Juliet Gateri is the founder and director of HR expert, a human resource management software provider. She is the recrui...
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