Keep up with these 4 Emerging HR Priorities in the time of COVID-19

January 7, 2021

One of Charles Darwin’s most famous quotes says, “It is not the strongest nor the most intelligent animal that survives, but rather the one most adaptable to change”. We are living in a time of drastic change, brought about not only by the COVID-19 pandemic but by the accelerated pace of technological changes. As a result, People, the most important asset of any organization, are also finding new was of adapting to these changes. As a business leader, you should be keeping up. According to Catherine Wekesa, CEO at the International Talent Management Consulting Limited, these 4 emerging trends should be at the top of your HR priority list.

Changing business models and talent recovery

Times have literally changed and so has business. In the new normal you will have to change your business model to suit the new customer demand. The talent and skills in your company will have to suit the change. This will bring a change in roles or will require you to provide some training as the employer.

Organizational Effectiveness and Employee Productivity

How is the organization able to deliver? Has the organization provided the right tools for the employees to deliver? If the organization has then there is no reason for the employee not to. The two go hand in hand.

Empathy, Health and Safety

Make sure that the work environment is very safe for the employees to work. Masks, sanitizers and social distance are adhered to. Adhere to the guidelines made by WHO, MOH and COTU. Be human, people are working at home; if your employee needs to handle a child let them. Be strict but flexible enough for people to work with ease.

Employee Engagement

Engage them in the decision making. Make sure that there is communication going on in the organization among the employees. This makes them feel that they are part and parcel of the organization. Otherwise they will give priority to their side hustles and not your business.

Catherine Wekesa was a facilitator at Un.thinkable masterclass (our quarterly 10X Growth Leaders Workshop) in November 2020. Click here to apply for membership in Un.thinkable.

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