The Anatomy of a good Product Web Page – Are you sweating yours?

You have created a compelling digital strategy. You have committed Ad spending budgets. You have done a great job with s...

Transformational leadership is a daily habit, says Marion Mwangi

It is important to first of all be a disciplined person. You have to lead yourself so that you can lead others. Marion M...

These 7 cost free marketing tactics could transform your business

You’ve heard the word ‘Content marketing’ many times for sure. But are you really doing it? And if you...

These 4 factors are driving digital commerce behavior

People do not buy brands, they buy lifestyles. As a business, you will score higher on the consumer purchase matrix if y...

Seven E-commerce trends that every Kenyan Marketer should be aware of

If you have been following our series of articles on the rise of E-Commerce, then you are aware by now that Digital is n...

Digital is NOT social media. Here’s what Digital really is.

For many years, Digital was looked at as a tool or enabler of commerce, and offline as the engine for growth. Covid 19 c...

Your digital footprint should have these four touchpoints

The internet world has become increasingly complex with time. Having a great website is no longer enough as customers ar...

In a complex digital world, this success framework promises to simplify things

Whether you are a global brand or a small business, iProspect, a leading Kenyan Digital Marketing company, have developm...

Marketplaces now rule Online Commerce. What’s your Marketplace Strategy?

In 2019, iProspect, a leading Kenyan Digital Marketing company did a survey of 100 global marketers to learn more about ...

Has your business been adversely impacted by Covid 19? Here’s how to plan for recovery.

They say that entrepreneurs don’t fail, they simply learn what not to do next time. Covid 19 truly tested the resi...

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