Turning A Worry Into A Decade of Success

September 18, 2023

Leading in a turbulent environment and the current economic crisis does not allow you to just sit on your laurels and wait for opportunities to be handed to you. That is how Belva Digital was born. A group of campus friends worried of not getting jobs after their fourth year. Even after getting jobs, Fred set out to start a business and requested his friends if he could use the name Belva, a conversation starter, and they said YES!

“We are a marketing digital experiences and technology company that helps brands and organizations to find value, to scale and accelerate growth in a very disruptive digital space we are in. We find solutions in the marketing tech space,” Fred Kithinzi, the founder explains in a recent interview. Most of us spend 85% of our time on devices, phones and/or laptops, to meet our needs. Marketing tech means that brands are able to meet the consumers’ needs through marketing and the medium users are interacting with.

We use data as a strategy to tackle disruption. Data helps you look at reality and you are less likely to go wrong when you are guided by data. Belva was the first agency to talk about performance marketing. Marketing is not a cost center, marketing is a revenue driver. Case in point, there are currently 20 million Kenyans online Therefore, marketing can return value to your business. Performance marketing has seen us grow into a marketing technology company and we believe this will be our key driver for our growth in the next decade. Research and development requires you to future proof ourselves.

Our economies are heavily SMB driven so we have created a subsidiary that is geared towards the SMBs. For instance the employment crisis, a startup is connecting SMBs with gig workers. We have a lot of brilliant youth from colleges or universities but work opportunities are scarce. On the other hand, we have freelancers who have time and skill set but need opportunities so we are using our 10 year experience in the market to bring them together and babysit that process. As a business we make sure you get your needs aligned right and ensure freelancers do not disappear on you after you have paid 50% of the fee.

Our job is to ensure that they don’t disappear and that you are both getting value from the clear scope of work set on the table. For the flexibility of plug and play, a client can come in and go as they please without needing to sign a three-year contract. Come in as a business, let us work on your problems by helping you scale up and get everything in order.

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