Failure, Collaboration, Humility, Budgeting and more, here’s the most popular lessons of 2020

New normal, pandemic, lockdown, job cuts, tragedy, no salary, business closure these are some of the words that literally spelt out the year 2020.  Aluta continua literally happened from March through December. Tough people decisions were made and we all did what we had to do. We made it through. Here at Unthinkable, we did […]

Make your Business Option A, and success will soon follow

“It’s good to have the side-hustles, but they should not distract you from the main goal of building your business. The main goal is the main goal.” Susan Situma is the Vice President and Head of SME Banking at Barclays Kenya. When she recently spent time with members of We are Founders, she said, “When […]

The 3 most important questions to ask yourself as an Entrepreneur

“Understanding where you are now, where you want to be and what you need to get there are the three most important questions you need to be answering as an entrepreneur,” Susan Situma the Vice President, Head SME Banking at Barclays Kenya says. This is the reality check for anyone who runs a business. She […]

Commitment, Passion, Numbers. What Banks look for in a Business.

“I look for the commitment from an entrepreneur.” Susan Situma says. Susan Situma is the Vice President, Head SME Banking at Absa Kenya. She adds that hearing the story about the commitment around a business is bread and butter for her.  “It’s a deal breaker when you can’t talk about your business in the same […]

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