Failure, Collaboration, Humility, Budgeting and more, here’s the most popular lessons of 2020

January 19, 2021

New normal, pandemic, lockdown, job cuts, tragedy, no salary, business closure these are some of the words that literally spelt out the year 2020.  Aluta continua literally happened from March through December. Tough people decisions were made and we all did what we had to do. We made it through. Here at Unthinkable, we did our best to keep up with these trends, and the lessons they came with. We sought the thoughts of industry leaders and experienced executives, and shared them with you here and on email.

Here are the top articles that seem to have resonated quite well with our audience.

Failing is the best thing. “Money is just paper with value. Where you put that value determines your revenue.” Mr. Thomas also known as Big Ted believes. Mistakes are life pushing you in the right direction so make them.

To dominate or to collaborate? A lesson in humility for resilience External factors such as the emergence of a pandemic or the coming of a new law could hit your business hard. Your humility could determine if you will survive in the game or be kicked out. Said, Martin Kiarie, CEO and Co-founder of Bean Interactive.

Knowledge plus Experience gets you halfway there in Business, but it’s not enough. Even though it wasn’t planned, Julian acknowledges that from his first job opportunity, he was able to know the target market and build MODE (his uber successful technology company) using the knowledge he acquired. While ambition is a great thing in the business world, it’s also important to back it up with knowledge and experience when starting out.

Julian went on to say, “I don’t believe in this thing where if you have a good idea, people will buy into it. If you have a good idea, you have a good idea. Period. It all comes down to how you execute It.”

A solid budget is the key to business financial freedom. When creating your budget, Njoroge Kibitu, a financial consultant and CEO of UPO Limited,  advised that you do it away from your office, away from the busy work environment. Go somewhere where your mind is clear.

Make your Business Option A, and success will soon follow. It’s good to have the side-hustles, but they should not distract you from the main goal of building your business. The main goal is the main goal.” said, Susan Situma, the Vice President and Head of SME Banking at Barclays Kenya (now Absa)

Your emotional attachment to your company could ruin you. “I once watched a video clip of Bill Gates where he was asked what he would do if Microsoft collapsed and was no longer functional. His answer was he would build another one because Microsoft is not what people see on their screens but it is what’s in my head.” said Thomas Kwaka a.k.a Big Ted, an event’s organizer, former CEO of the Main Event Company and Deputy Director in charge of State branding and events.

Thinking regional could transform your business growth plans.  said Mr. Lee Karuri Executive Chairman of Resorts and Cities, a leading real estate company developing Longonot Gate and Makuyu Ridge Resort Cities’. His story shows how it’s important to not limit yourself to achieving success in one country, maybe opportunity beckons across the borders.

This year Unthinkable will continue to be as informative as ever giving you daily nuggets, bringing you new streams of knowledge through our various guests and masterclasses. Lets buckle in for a growth filled year.

Unthinkable for us and God for us all.

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