Is Blockchain the same as Bitcoin, and is M-PESA Bitcoin?

You have probably heard of Bitcoin, but the more you try to understand it, the more confusing it gets. Our Convener, Alex Muriu recently hosted Amos Mburu, Blockchain researcher and Founder of DLBRT on Unthinkable Coffee Break, where they broke down Bitcoin in its simplest terms. Bitcoin is the first successful and most known Blockchain […]

Why should you be keen on Blockchain technology?

We are all dealing with the effects of Corona virus, which has disrupted daily business activities, education and notably health systems. All this happened without notice or preparation. The world is turning to technology as the way out of this crisis and back to running as it we were before or even better. This is […]

What are the practical applications of Blockchain?

Blockchain has many practical use cases, some already in application and some at policy or development level. While these use cases may not already be getting felt at grass-root level, the changes coming up, especially at policy level, global trade and finance are only a couple of years away from being felt by the common […]

Blockchain technology explained in layman terms

The word Blockchain is either a mystery or entirely unknown to most people. Yet this technology shows all signs of transforming the world as we know it, akin to the internet or the industrial revolution. But what exactly is Blockchain? At our recently held Unthinkable Coffee Break, Amos Mburu, Blockchain researcher and founder of DLBRT […]

Who should care about Blockchain technology?

The topic of Blockchain remains elusive to most people. According to Amos Mburu, Blockchain researcher and Founder of BLBRT, anyone who is interested in any of the following areas should care about Blockchain:

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