
How to make your plan A, work.
He always heard from people who kept saying that you must have a plan B and C. But he believes that you should only have...

Have you sold your vision to your team?
“Every time you want to do something great, don’t keep it in your mind. Share it with your team, make them part of y...

What pushes you to start a business and how long before its successful.
“I never thought to start a business. Actually no one in my big family runs a business,” Kamal Budhabhatti the found...

Abojani Investment, a digital-first personal finance management company
Abojani Investment CEO Robert Ochieng is not only passionate about helping individuals connect their personal finances w...

In business, should you go with your head or your heart?
Kamal Budhabhatti, the founder and CEO of Little and Craft Silicon does a lot of things based on his gut. “When you ar...
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