Have you sold your vision to your team?

January 28, 2020

Kamal Budhabhatti says “keep maintaining the relationship you have with everybody,” he is the founder and CEO of Little and Craft Silicon.

“The reason I keep insisting on maintaining relationships is that at every stage of the growth of Craft Silicon and Little, people have really helped us,” he adds.
He never wanted to get into ride hailing space, all he wanted to do was acquire the customer. So, he was torn between ride hailing or something else.

Along the way, Dr. Bitange Ndemo offered his help and expertise and nudged him into ride hailing space Dr. Bitange Ndemo suggested that they visit the now late Safaricom CEO Bob Collymore. He immediately got on board and asked if the app was ready, to which Kamal said it was, and it would go live in 3 – 4weeks. And this is how Little was born.

When he went back to the office, he assembled his team and told them that they agreed with Bob to launch Little in a month. For 2 – 3 weeks they were all committed to developing Little.

“You need to understand the power of vision. If you give your team a vision, it is so easy to work with them in order to contribute to your dream,” Kamal states. He adds that from then on, his team was on board and supported his dream because he sold his vision to them.
“Every time you want to do something great, don’t keep it in your mind. Share it with your team, make them part of your dream so that they feel mobilized to deliver what you want to deliver,” Kamal Budhabhatti says.

Kamal Budhabhatti was a guest at Founders drink up in January 2020. If you are interested in joining our growth accountability programmes, please email us on dream@wearefounders.co.ke

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