How to make your plan A, work.

January 31, 2020

“Being persistent has always helped us,” Kamal Budhabhatti, the founder and CEO of Little and Craft Silicon starts.

He always heard from people who kept saying that you must have a plan B and C. But he believes that you should only have a plan A, continue working hard on it and pushing for it. when there was nobody else providing tech solutions. It was therefore slightly easier for him.

“Once a customer came in, we served them quite well and the customer referred us to another customer who referred us to another,” Kamal Budhabhatti says.

He confirms that, customer referrals actually grew their business.He has always had a very good relationship with their customers.One of his earliest customers was Equity Bank when it was in infancy coming up, James Mwangi, the CEO of Equity Bank helped them get 10 – 12 customers Safaricom was included among the referrals.

“Once you have one customer, make sure you give that customer your everything. Let’s not take new customers at the cost of losing the already existing ones” Kamal Budhabhatti says.

He adds that the biggest mistake most entrepreneurs make is spending resources getting new customers and forget that existing customers are getting dropped.“It is very expensive to get a customer. But if you lose that customer, it is more expensive to get them back. They will have a mentality that you messed them up before and they will not be able to trust you again,”Kamal Budhabhatti states.

Kamal Budhabhatti was a guest at Founders drink up in January 2020. If you are interested in joining our growth accountability programmes, please email us on

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