Your emotional attachment to your company could ruin you

July 13, 2019

Thomas Kwaka a.k.a Big Ted, an events organizer, is former CEO of the Main Event Company and Deputy Director in charge of State branding and events. Mr. Kwaka is clearly an entrepreneur and a good one too but believe it or not, his first business went on a downward spiral that led to it collapsing with no hope of rebuilding.

As anyone would, he took this loss to heart but from that experience, he learnt that if something isn’t working, let it go. Now he has a number of businesses such as running a school, a government job, etc and they all seem to be doing well but still, he lives by what he says, if any of them change from being a business that provides revenue into something that’s a money pit with no turn over, he will let it go because it’s a clear indication that it’s not working.

“I once watched a video clip of Bill Gates where he was asked what he would do if Microsoft collapsed and was no longer functional. His answer was he would build another one because Microsoft is not what people see on their screens but it is what’s in my head.” Thomas Kwaka quotes

Such a mentality is what Big Ted lives by. True value is not in the commodity offered but in the brains behind it. Being a businessman running multiple companies got the Big Ted’s audience wondering how he has managed everything without being physically present and the answer to that question was a straight forward and simple one.

“If your business can’t run without you, then you don’t have a business. This is because one day you will get sick and if everything depends on you to function then like I said, you don’t have a business.” Mr. Kwaka said unapologetically.

Find people whose passion aligns with yours and invest in them. They will in turn make your businesses a success.

Thomas Kwaka was a guest at founders drink up in February 2019. Get a copy of his Podcast and many others for only Kshs 250. Email

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