How Saracen OMD hit jackpot by capitalizing on a niche

July 13, 2019

We are all a product of our environment and this can be said for George Wanjohi. He is Co-founder, and the East African Sales and Marketing Expert at Saracen OMD one of East Africa’s largest independent media specialists. The company invests billions in media through over 140 offices in over 80 countries with a goal of contributing to the success of many of the world’s leading brands.

The legacy of his business was born when he met with 5 of his friends who were all working in the advertising space, and who shared similar values. They had all reached the peak of their careers, and the choices on the table were either to stay stuck in those positions or quit. They chose the latter.

“We were all at the top of our game before we resigned. After that we realized one thing; we were trading money for freedom. It was a humbling experience but we were prepared to pay for that” Wanjohi says.

With freedom, they had the opportunity to be creative and offer what wasn’t in the market yet.

“Advertising was an industry owned and tightly run by a few people, which made us realize the only way we could compete is go to a market these guys don’t understand. We didn’t do creative (produce ads). All we did was strategy which is the what to say and the where. This was because most advertising money is spent on media and we knew if we could get a lock on that we will be taken seriously.” Wanjohi said

By finding their niche, Wanjohi and his partners were able to find something that was bound for success.

George Wanjohi was a guest at founders drink up in February 2019. Get a copy of his Podcast for only Kshs 250. Email

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