Managing employees and their Tools of trade. Try this

November 23, 2018

As an entrepreneur, it may be challenging to get funds to buy or upgrade to the necessary tools needed by an employee during work. This can be computers, chairs etc. According to Juliet Gateri, the recruitment director at talent board and alternate doors consulting where she works with clients in Africa to bring the best talent on board, there’s nothing worse than hiring someone then on their first day of work, they don’t have a place to properly work. It would be better to tell the person to report to work one week or two weeks later when you have what they need to work.

Set expectations. If you’re company requires you to come with your own computer, let that be communicated and if you don’t have what they need, tell them to come on the day the tools needed will be available.

Juliet Gateri

The importance of such things is small things such as not having internet, enough chairs or even computers can irritate new employees and create a negative perception of the company. 

With that, it’s also crucial to set up policies concerning all your tools of trade. For example, if you require your employee to bring their own laptop, you could set up insurance for their laptop.

It’s also important to ensure that anyone handling company gadgets is properly trained on how to use said gadget in order to avoid damage. When damage does a occur, accountability should be taken up by those responsible. As it would be unrealistic to ask of someone to fully replace a gadget that cost a lot of money because this could lead to frustration from them being bound to this expense for a long period of time. This naturally could lead to negative outcomes in performance. An alternative would be the one responsible catering to a percentage of damage repair cost while the company bears the rest hence ensuring accountability and responsibility without compromising employee morale.

Juliet Gateri, Founder of Alternate Doors Consulting was a trainer at Founders Brunch held in August 2018. To access the full podcast, please email us on 

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