Dream. Start. Commit. Succeed. Repeat. The cycle of success.

February 20, 2019

For most, beginning stages of University is time to just settle down in school but for Mr Lee Karuri, it was the perfect time to start a business that began the journey of his success. Mr Lee Karuri is the Executive Chairman of Resorts and Cities, a leading real estate company developing Longonot Gate and Makuyu Ridge Resort Cities.  

The accomplishments he has have not come without taking initiative to do more than would be expected. He started out at the young age of 22 while in University studying architecture.

In 2nd year we started making scaled models of architectural designs, for students to learn how to design. If you were able to do good work, you could turn it into a business and I saw there was an opportunity here – Lee Karuri

Lee partnered up with his friend with whom he shared similar vision and goals. By the time he got to 3rd year, his partner and he decided to perfect their model creation skills and commercialize it. From there, they pitched their models to architects who were already practicing.

“We made appointments in between classes and went pitching to architects. We said to clients, if you give me an opportunity, we can give you very good scale models for your clients. We knew that it was a niche because skill was lacking to be able to do the models in-house.” Lee Karuri said.

Once they got a deal, the clients would give them drawings and they would go back to their dorm rooms and create the models from there. They would do quality work and due to that, they got a good track record which as Lee says, leads to referrals.

“We were gaining momentum and acceptability from the architects who were giving us more complex work. The work we did had to reflect the stature of their company. They could not say it was done by a student therefore our work had to be of high quality and presented in time.” Mr Lee said  

With that, his journey to his present day success began.

Lee Karuri was a guest at founders drink up in January 2019. Get a copy of his Podcast for only Kshs 250. Email dream@wearefounders.co.ke

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