Step 1. Make a plan, Step 2. Stick to the plan

February 27, 2019

While in University, Mr Lee Karuri, the Executive Chairman of Resorts and Cities, a leading real estate company developing Longonot Gate and Makuyu Ridge Resort Cities had a business that was starting to gain momentum. His business was to provide scale models of architectural designs to architecture firms alongside his friend and business partner who was also in University.

After his business started yielding benefit, the next step was to set up a structure of time taken to do certain jobs, sizes of models required and amount of money expected.

“We created a template of pricing, how much time it takes to do certain scale of work and also the kind of materials needed because we had to learn where to outsource materials as the models needed to reflect the final product.” Mr. Karuri said

Lee and his partner always aimed to improve their skills and as they got better, they increased their charges in order to keep up with costs and make sure their work is compensated at its real value.

“In 3rd year we had done a lot of work but because we didn’t want the business to interfere with our studies, we decided only work over the holidays. We were given a room in our University which we converted into our office.” Lee said

During the holidays he also learnt the formal ways to run a business.

“We were dealing with established clients so we had to learn how to do proper invoices, open a bank account, and reconcile payment statements. We had to be professional. We even employed a few other students” Lee said

By 4th year, Lee had saved enough money to buy a car which was something he needed to keep running the business.

“You reach the clients office you’re sweating, the boxes are wet, people in the matatu don’t understand the value of what we did so they press our models, risking them even before I get to the client, so I decided to buy a car.” Lee said

He says proudly and jokingly that he paid for the car in cash. However, the lesson here is don’t just envision the future you want but take daily steps to work towards it.

Lee Karuri was a guest at founders drink up in January 2019. Get a copy of his Podcast for only Kshs 250. Email

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