In the digital age, Data analytics is a must for your Business

The analytics and data part of a business might be tedious to look at, and most executives will avoid it. But according ...

Focus is great, but Diversification is smart

When it comes to entrepreneurship, there are two lines of thought. One is the Silicon Valley way, where you are looking ...

Unthinkable Spotlight: Jesse Githua, Managing Director at Pong Agencies Ltd

Every once in a while, we profile our members to showcase their work and shine a Spotlight on the visionaries behind thi...

Strategy and resilience over time guarantees Success, says Mikul Shah

“I knocked on doors every single day, sometimes even waiting hours for a meeting”, says Mikul Shah, Managing Directo...

Meet your moment of luck with preparation

“I don’t believe in this thing where if you have a good idea, people will buy into it. If you have a good idea, you ...

Life of an entrepreneur during the post election violence in Kenya, with some lessons

“In 2007, I got into a partnership with some South African Entrepreneurs to expand my business. In anticipation of tha...

Why mistakes should never be described as regrets

Before he started his successful company, MODE, his previous business had got him into debt to the tune of millions. Aft...

Is your business motive your biggest hurdle to success?

After being employed for a period of time, Julian Kyula decided to quit and start his own business. It’s through his b...

Always re-invent, never re-create, says Julian Kyula

“I didn’t want to only do airtime credit, I wanted to take it to another level.” said Julian Kyula when he was gu...

Knowledge plus Experience gets you halfway there in Business, but it’s not enough.

“I started MODE in 2010. The experience was literally like jumping out of a plane with no parachute.” Julian Kyula i...

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