Unthinkable Spotlight: Jesse Githua, Managing Director at Pong Agencies Ltd

October 21, 2020

Every once in a while, we profile our members to showcase their work and shine a Spotlight on the visionaries behind this work. Today, we are proud to have a chat with Jesse Githua, Managing Director at Pong Agencies Ltd., a leading ICT systems integrator in the region, who also serves as the C.E.O of Cosmos Trading Company Ltd., a specialised construction company. Among is many hats, Jesse also serves as a member of the Board of Directors for Kenya National Chamber of Commerce and Industry – Nairobi County, a non-profit, autonomous, private sector membership based organization (BMO).

Who is Jesse Githua in a few short words?

I am an entrepreneur and technology enthusiast. I am a firm believer in how technology can be used to positively impact lives and businesses around us with a special focus on Africa. I am also passionate about learning and constantly looking for ways to grow my knowledge base as well as inspire others for growth.

What motivates you to get out of bed every morning?

Believe it or not, I am motivated by work for work’s sake. I believe work is a gift from God and whatever job you have, you should do it with all your energy. I am also motivated by the zeal to do something different daily. I have accepted that life brings challenges, both in the work place and in life.

If money was not a factor, what would you be doing with your life?

I would perhaps be a career student? Studying and adding to the body of knowledge. But definitely tech related. Doing a PhD somewhere.

What do you love most about what you do for a living?

I get to exercise my passions and likes. I love technology, I love gadgets, and I like the impact it has in making life easier. So if I can experiment with all this and make an income, why not? I get to contribute to other households’ livelihoods, i.e. via employing others and the ecosystem I support or I’m supported by.

What are the 3 things you are professionally amazing at?

  • Analytical problem solving
  • Connecting young people to opportunities
  • Adapting to new trends: Ability to quickly adapt to new digital and market trends

What do you love most about being a member of Un.thinkable?

A community of people who are either the best in their fields or just about to get there or hungry for growth. It is very inspiring to listen and learn from such great members. The diversity amongst members. They are people of different back grounds, Industries and entrepreneurial / intrapreneurial journeys.

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