Christabel Ojuok: Empowering Homeownership Journeys

  Who doesn’t dream of owning their own home? It’s a universal aspiration, but the journey to homeowner...

Martin Rono: Sahara Desk for Revving Up Growth

Based in Nairobi, Sahara Desk isn’t confined to Kenya’s borders. With a footprint stretching across Uganda, ...

Joy Moraa: Crafting Connections & Good Vibes

In the bustling cityscape of Nairobi, where the pace is fast and the demands are high, Joy Moraa created a haven of crea...

Kevin Okwako : A Visionary on a Mission to Revolutionize Food Sustainability

In a world where quality food accessibility is a growing concern, one entrepreneur is taking a bold stand to address the...

Celebrating the Launch of our 2024 Fellowship

We’re thrilled to share the exciting news of the inauguration of our esteemed 2024 fellowship class! On 16th Febru...

Addressing Talent Retention with Nancy Matimu

In the bustling hall of a prestigious breakfast meeting, Nancy Matimu, a seasoned CEO, takes the stage. With a commandin...

Igniting the Path to Greatness: Reflections from Our Last Convention

Reflecting on our last convention, our top fellows illuminated the path ahead with unwavering passion, dedication, and i...

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