Unthinkable Spotlight – James Njugi, Co-founder at

Straddling the tricky path of nerd and adventurous visionary, James is gradually curving out a name for himself in the m...

Unthinkable Spotlight: Kananu Imathiu, Founder at Red Beryl Consulting

Soft spoken and a woman of few, deliberate words, Kananu Imathiu is everything you want in your finance and strategy con...

Unthinkable spotlight: Simon Wanjau, Chefpreneur and Co-counder of Kobbis Group Limited

One of the most exciting things about Unthinkable is the eclectic mix of professionals and entrepreneurs that form our m...

Deep roots, generosity and realism will see you through it all

As a business person what are you rooted in?  What is the purpose of your business?  The reason you started your busin...

5 success principles for Life and Business, by Marion Mwangi

Marion Mwangi, managing director at BOC Kenya PLC, was guest at the October edition of Unthinkable roast and generously ...

How to generate enough interest to close a sale

You’ve done your homework. You understand all the the personas , you have developed the sales value matrix and mes...

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