5 success principles for Life and Business, by Marion Mwangi

December 21, 2020

Marion Mwangi, managing director at BOC Kenya PLC, was guest at the October edition of Unthinkable roast and generously shared 5 principles that she believes are important to live by as a person and as an entrepreneur for a truly successful and fulfilling existence.

Here they are:


As a business person you need to have a vision board. Everything cannot all be about your business and that’s it. It is important to balance your life or some areas will suffer. Plan everything according to a well defined priority list and always execute what you plan when you plan it.


Remember what you sow you will also reap. Your efforts in working hard for the business to grow have to be consistent. What you do today always has an effect on your tomorrow. Do good deeds. Keep in mind the multiplier effect as one deed may turn into huge opportunities for you. Remember however to moderate your efforts. Take time to learn different moves so that you’re not over excessively implementing one that won’t always work. Do not be obsessive.


This is not just about stealing. It also has a lot to do with not lying as well. Lying to your colleagues and to yourself as well. Have integrity in all that you do. However not all situations will require you to be blunt so learn when it is needed and when it is not. Make sure not to use honesty as a weapon.

Constancy of effort

You have to be hardworking. Always do more than what is expected of you. Get rid of laziness completely and watch what that does to your career or business in the long run.

Time lag

The results of your efforts always come back. If you do not see the customers that you plan to see then in the end you will not have met your goals. If you work and execute everything as you had planned in the beginning then everything works as it should.

Marion Mwangi, managing director at NSE Listed BOC gases was a guest at Unthinkable roast in October 2020. Click here to apply for membership in Un.thinkable.

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