Unthinkable Spotlight: Kananu Imathiu, Founder at Red Beryl Consulting

December 24, 2020

Soft spoken and a woman of few, deliberate words, Kananu Imathiu is everything you want in your finance and strategy consultant. Her well poised and well thought out questions always serve to spark interesting conversation points at Unthinkable sessions. A veteran of the Audit world having spent years working at Price Waterhouse Cooper (PwC) among other exciting tenures, we are proud to have Kananu as one of the finance brains in the Unthinkable community.

We caught up with her for our 5-question rapid fire session and here’s what we were able to find out about her.

Who is Kananu in a few short words?
I am a curious person, I love to learn new things, I think deeply about (almost) everything, and I try to look for the beauty of things in everyday life. I dare to do things that are hard and scare me if they will result in something good. I love witty humor.

What motivates you to get out of bed in the morning?
The excitement of each day’s adventure: you never know what each day will bring, and that psyches me up to wake up.

If money were not a factor, what would you be doing with your life?
Same thing I’m doing now, I think. I love what I’m doing.

What do you love most about what you do for a living?
I love being able to help businesses get organized financially, plan the future of their enterprises and helping them grow into bigger businesses. Having a good idea is a very important part of a business, but you have to be profitable in order to keep doing your business, and I help businesses with that.

What are the 3 things you are professionally amazing at?

  • Listening to clients and identifying their pain points;
  • Helping clients come up with creative solutions to their problems; and
  • Supporting businesses in their growth journey.

Bonus: What do you love most about being a member of Unthinkable?
I love meeting other people who have similar aspirations (being entrepreneurs) and are at more or less the same stage of business as I am. It helps me to feel accompanied in this journey.

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