When it’s time to make the tough people decisions

October 30, 2018

If there is someone who knows how tough business decisions can get, it is Martin Kiariethe founder and CEO of Bean Interactive, an integrated digital marketing company. More often than not, these decisions will revolve around downsizing operations to manage profits during turbulent business seasons and be ready for the next season.

During these critical times, reducing the base of operations may also mean firing if there is no evident progression or retrenching some employees. Martin concurs that it’s not the best thing in the world to fire someone. “When an employee becomes a baggage to the company then surviving to see the future might be to let them go”, Martin adds. It’s all based on the performance and productivity.

Working with what you have is necessary for your survival in these tough times. Producing a quality product that is unmatched for future consumption means playing the today cards right. If it means reducing the board size let it be. At the end of the day, you as a shrewd entrepreneur will be proud of these tough moves. 

Looking at what your business needs at those times is more important than what your business lacks.

Martin Kiarie

Martin Kiarie, founder of Bean interactive ltd was a guest at Founders brunch held in August 2018. To get the full podcast, email us on dream@wearefounders.co.ke

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