What actually goes into growing a business.

October 14, 2019

“We provide mobile banking, mobile lending and payment solutions over digital space and are the best at it,” Abel Masai, the founder of Kocela Limited proudly states.
Abel Masai’s journey at Founders began when he met Alex Murui. At the time, Alex was the project manager for the KCB app.
He appreciated the support he got from Founders who opened his eyes, “this journey is tough and it is hard work,” he says. This is different compared to what is out there glorified by the media, who just speak of business’ successes without highlighting the difficult areas.
Some of the challenges he highlighted were; not spending time with family, sleepless nights, hunting for clients round the clock, and having employees expecting to be paid whether business is good or bad.
He also gave this analogy, “If you are employed, you’re like a dog who knows that at a certain time, your owner is going to feed you.” He however highlights that it is so different when you are running your own company. “You are in the wild, you don’t have an owner, if you see a gazelle, you have to run after it, if you don’t, there won’t be any food for you that night.”
He encouraged the rest of the Founders team saying that “when you are embarking on an undefined journey, you don’t know what the future holds for you.” That is what it felt like when he started on his own.
Through Founders, he got to learn that he was on the right track. He learnt from those he considered were successes, and kept telling himself that he was not the only one, he too could make it. These experiences made him more zealous to wake up every day and keep going, he had dreams and visions to accomplish.

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