Never underestimate always overreach

July 13, 2019

He started his company from one shop in Kisumu, afterwards, he moved to Nairobi got a small warehouse and in a few months, he had his first shop. Years later his company is in 4 countries and has 44 outlets across East Africa. As all great stories teach, success is not an easy thing to have and this is the same experience Jeenal had. His determination and drive is what made his company thrive. The company is currently known at AutoXpress.
After getting his first two employees, Jenaal began to work at getting more clients.

“From there I started tarmacking from door to door. At first, companies would not trust me because they already had existing suppliers but as you keep being persistent, you start getting clients. You get one school here, another school there and then suddenly you have a good business.” Jenaal said.

In 2002, Jenaal had his first business meeting in Elementaita. He remembers the meeting vividly as he only had 7 staff members of whom two were borrowed. This meant that he had hired them but they still had not finished their time of employment with their soon to be ex-employer. It is in this meeting that Jenaal told his employees that in a period of 5 years, he would like the company to become number one. He then proceeded to lay out his plan of how to achieve this.

“They laughed and they clapped but I guarantee you they thought I was just being funny.” Jeenal said
However, on top of the hard work, everyone had been putting in and was still willing to put in, they also had luck on their side. This was around the time that the East African Community resulted in the privileges given to the dominant businesses in his industry losing some of this power resulting in democratization of the industry hence creating an even Plainfield for all businesses.

Hence the growth of the company became expeditious, allowing them to meet set targets and goals.
“By 2007, we actually became market leader in Kenya” Jeenal said.

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