Want a great business partner? Here’s the secret.

June 4, 2019

Partnerships are something most if not all entrepreneurs that have spoken on the We are founders platform speak on as an advantage in business and overall growth individually, as a business and as humans. According to George Wanjohi who is the Co-founder at Saracen OMD, one of East Africa’s largest independent media companies, the single most important thing in any partnership is ethos.

This simply means it is not about what’s being brought to the table but the first decision factor should be who is at the table and do they align with your goals, beliefs, and way of doing things.

“We learned that the hard way. We have had partners come and go, we have even had partners come and steal then run away.” Wanjohi says

Ethos can be broken down to things such as skills and wisdom. Your partner(s) should have such qualities, your partner(s) must also have, virtue, goodwill and a strong sense of themselves and lastly, they must be receptive to what you have to offer and show interest in working together.

“It’s all about their values. You can’t do a good deal with a bad man.” Wanjohi says

Wanjohi gives an example of his partners and friend. One named Sammy is into traveling and rugby games, the other Lenny is into golf, likes reading while Wanjohi is into motorbikes and shooting. They are all different with interests that are worlds apart but what makes them amazing partners are the values they share. Their partnership is a true testament to forming partnerships with people who share the same ethos.

George Wanjohi was a guest at un.thinkable drink up in February 2019. Get a copy of his Podcast for only Kshs 250. Email imagine@unthinkable.co.ke

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