I don’t want your money, just give me business

December 13, 2018

He tells his story and experience in this business industry with a lot of honesty and humor, it’s an absolute pleasure listening to him. He went from processing 3 transactions in a whole 18 months to having 200K transactions per day. How? By staying the course, never giving up on his business and trying different angles to make it work. It finally did. The man in question is Agosta Liko. He’s the founder and CEO of PesaPal, a payment platform that allows individuals and companies to make and accept payments in Africa. Agosta proudly talks of how he has never raised investment to grow his business. He believes this has forced him to build a sustainable business as he could only finance his growth from revenues. He cites one of his biggest influences as Richard Bell, the chief executive of East Africa Capital Partners. As his business started picking up, he believed his next move was to try and raise more capital, so he approached East African Capital investors for funding, which is when he met Richard Bell. However, Mr. Bell had different plans for him. “Richard Bell told us I’m not going to give you money but I’ll give you a chance. If you do a good job I’ll keep on giving you business.” Agosta said. So he gave them the Zuku payments business. With this launch pad, Agosta did the one thing any ambitious entrepreneur would do, he took it and ran with it! Currently, he does as high as 200,000 transactions a day. His business is growing immensely. PesaPal is in Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Zambia, Malawi and it’s registered in Zimbabwe and Rwanda. Agosta Liko was a guest at founders drink up in October 2018. Get a copy of any of our podcasts by celebrated Entrepreneurs for only Kshs 250. Email dream@wearefounders.co.ke

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