How to get found by the right people on LinkedIn.

October 4, 2020

You have done the work. You have put up a great profile for yourself or a company page for your business on LinkedIn. How then do you ensure that prospective employers, business connections and even clients find you? In our August edition of Unthinkable Coffee Break, we caught up with Nelly Ndonye, LinkedIn Marketing Specialist based in Nairobi, Kenya, who helped answer this pertinent question. 

Tips & tricks for your Personal Profile

  • Make sure to have a nice profile picture. It does not have to be a portrait. It should be a nice professional picture that gives an accurate depiction of how you would look like once called to a meeting.
  • On the Bio section, make sure to include key industry keywords. The keywords should also be relevant to the main thing that you do. An example would be Digital Marketing Specialist or Contractor. The word should be what one would search for if someone was looking for the product or service that you offer.
  • Make sure to have a complete profile. Making it complete gives confidence to prospective customers or employees that they can trust your product or service.

Tips & tricks for your Business Profile

  • Just like the personal page make sure to include the Keywords that a potential customer would key in if they were looking for your product or service.
  • Invite your personal contacts to come like your page. This is a new feature on the platform and it allows you to create a community around your business
  • Run advertisements on the platform. What this does for your business is that it creates awareness. People will know that your business exists and will get to engage with you. You can target decision makers in your field which may get you more clients.

One more thing;

When you put out content on the platform, be it on your personal or business page, quality is preferred over quantity. You do not have to put out content everyday but when you do make sure it adds value to the person consuming it. Make sure to engage with other people’s content as well because the more you do that the more you are teaching LinkedIn what you are interested in and that is what it will generate for you.

Nelly Ndonye was a guest on Un.thinkable Coffee break, our monthly talk show on future skills which are changing the world as we know it.

Watch the recording below


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