How Abojani Investments successfully monetised Social Media

March 26, 2020

‘if you create something passionately then people out there will see what you are doing. ‘ says Robert Ochieng, Founder and CEO of Abojani investments. It is the people who have not benefited from something who criticize it the most. Some people will view social media as a waste of time while for others it is a tool.

Facebook has been a great tool for Abojani as it has worked as an e-learning platform for their various subscribers on matters of financial literacy. Whatsapp is their tool of engagement with their various members almost on a daily basis. According to Robert he can more easily get in touch with some CEO’s on whatsapp than on text.  Just by sharing some content on his whatsapp status lands him so many queries that lead to big opportunities.

LinkedIn is another powerful platform. ‘I recently met someone who is going to be on the board of board of Pesa Link just because of a Linked-in connection. Another person got an opportunity to go for a training in Dubai due to a connection gotten from Linkedin,’ says Robert. Through other spaces such as Skype, at Abojani they have been able to serve customers in the diaspora.

Social media is about consistency and authenticity. It is a very experimental field but with the right content it can work for you.The dynamics of communication are changing so as an entrepreneur it would be wise for you to get a hold of social media as a tool, and figure out how to make it work for you.

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