5 things no one knows about Naivas CCO Willy Kimani

Throwback to our last Unthinkable Chat event Guest, Naivas Kenya CCO Willy Kiman...

Kelvin Munyi, Head of Marketing at Java House Africa.

Java House Africa’s Head of Marketing, Kelvin Munyi was a guest at the Unt...

Joanne Mwangi, Ceo of PMS Group gives 5 misconceptions about Marketing

Joanne Mwangi-Yelbert the CEO of PMS Group and past Unthinkable chat guest share...

Tom Muriranja Director and Co-Founder of Presta Capital LTD, shares his experience as an Unthinkable member.

Tom Muriranja Director and Co-Founder of Presta Capital LTD, shares his experien...

Martin Kiarie, co-director of BFH Group shares the quote of the day

Martin Kiarie, co-director of BFH Group shares the importance of knowing your wh...

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