The art (or science) of Business positioning

October 3, 2018

Imagine this. You walk into a client pitch, and part of your pitch includes telling them unequivocally that you’re the most expensive supplier out there. What happens next? Ken Njoroge is currently the Co-Founder and group CEO of Cellulant, an African digital payments platform. He has been working in the technology field for about 19 years and in that period of time, he has run two businesses. The most interesting part of his journey for him was the first 3 or 4 years during his time at 3Mice interactive because that’s where he learnt a lot of new things and made mistakes that he learned from. His first business, 3Mice was formed around the year 1998 as a web development company that specialized in building websites. It took him and his co-founders just 1 year to start making impact and getting significant returns to their business which he credits to how they initially positioned the business.
“When we started, our strategy was to position the business to premium customers. We would walk into a meeting and tell people, we are the most expensive but we are the best at what we do.” Ken Njoroge
This strategy made it easier for them to identify the customers who saw the value of their services and hence build a premium client base. Some of the first customers they got were Nation Media Group, Standard charted Bank and Barclays Bank of Kenya. “By the year 2000 we were basically the web development firm for every blue chip customer in the country.” Ken said Ken believes that Founders should always position their business for the value they believe they can deliver, without compromise, even if you’re just in the inception stages. How have you positioned your business? Ken Njoroge, Co-Founder of Cellulant, was a guest at Founders drink up held in January 2018. Get access to the full podcast for only Kshs 250, email

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