How to sell your dream and get people who buy into your vision

June 23, 2020

“I’m selling to you the dream, Jackie, I’m not selling you the money for right now, but I know and I can promise you we’ll have a journey for a lifetime”, was what the late Kevin Ombajo aka Big Kev, Jackee’s brother and founder of Trublaq, told her when they started Trublaq, one of the country’s eminent events Companies. This was his idea of getting her on board, going up against her current job at the time that paid almost 4x what her brother was offering. 

Kev had mused severally in their conversations, “you know we can do this bigger and better, you know, miss universe etc.” He had big dreams that had been turned down severally by his employer so he sought out the uncharted entrepreneurial waters. This was nearly 20 years ago.

“Why is it that the Indians when they do business they normally carry their families along but Africans never seem to carry their people? I want to do this with you, I feel like you have what it takes to be able to ride this together with me”. This was his entire pitch to her. Eventually, she accepted. She offered her resignation letter, but her employer didn’t let go of her so easily, giving her a counter offer salary. Despite the dilemma of leaving a comfortable job for a dream, she was already sold.

Trueblaq Group Ltd have successfully become the premier experiential marketing company in Kenya.  They have done events and marketing countrywide and even East Africa. The company was founded in 2001, having realised the many untapped experiential marketing opportunities in the region and have grown together with the industry’s needs, delivering quality services in their events and promotions.

Jackee Ombajo, the Principal CEO of Trueblaq, reiterates, “When you start a business, the first thing you must be able to do is to sell what your vision is, because most of the time the people who join you will buy into what your vision is more than what the money is”.

It’s as simple as that, sell your dream and get people who buy into your vision, the whole way, and success will be one step closer!

Jackee Ombajo was a guest at Un.thinkable roast (our monthly 10X Growth Leaders Meet-up) in March 2020. Click here to apply for membership in Un.thinkable.

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