Muthuri Kinyamu: Investing in Growth with the 2024 Fellowship

May 15, 2024

“Are your expectations being met? If you were to rate yourself, how realistic is this in the context of your company and why?” These are the questions we asked one of our fellows during the Unthinkable Connect 2.

“I was at a turning point in my business,” says Muthuri Kinyamu, a Fellow in our 2024 program.  

“I needed to delegate and focus on long-term strategy, but I wasn’t sure how. The Fellowship has given me the tools and support I needed to make it happen.”

Highlights of the Fellowship for Muthuri:

  • Accountability Partnership: Having an accountability partner has helped me stay on track with my goals.
  • Retaining Top Talent: The program is teaching me how to identify and retain high-performing employees.
  • Developing Consistency: I continually gain valuable insights on building consistency in my work and personal life.
  • Empowered Delegation: The Fellowship is giving me the confidence to delegate tasks effectively, freeing me up to focus on the bigger picture.
  • Supportive Community: The meetups and connections I made with other fellows have been invaluable.

If you’re looking to take your business and/or yourself to the next level, the Unthinkable 2025 program is open. Apply today through this link

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